Roasted Chana vs Soaked Chana | Difference Between Soaked Chana And Roasted Chana

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In the quest for healthy snacking and nutritious meal options, the debate between roasted chana vs. soaked chana has gained momentum. Both these variations of chickpeas bring their unique qualities to the table, and understanding their differences is crucial for making informed dietary choices.

Roasted Chana vs Soaked Chana

What Is Roasted Chana ?

roasted chana

Roasted chana, also known as roasted chickpeas or gram, is a popular and nutritious snack made from dried chickpeas that have been roasted until they become crunchy. The chickpeas are typically seasoned with various spices to enhance their flavor. This snack is not only delicious but also a good source of protein and fiber. Roasted chana is commonly enjoyed as a guilt-free alternative to traditional snacks, offering a satisfying crunch and a burst of flavor.

What is Soaked Chana ?

soaked black chana

Soaked chana refers to chickpeas that have undergone a soaking process, where they are immersed in water for a certain period. This hydration step is essential to soften the chickpeas, making them more palatable and easier to digest. Soaked chana can be used in various culinary applications, including salads, soups, curries, and stews. The soaking process not only alters the texture of the chickpeas but also aids in the absorption of nutrients, making them a versatile and nutritious ingredient in a balanced diet.

Taste and Texture Comparison

Roasted chana delights the taste buds with its crunchiness, providing a satisfying snack experience. Soaked chana, on the contrary, offers a softer texture, making it suitable for a variety of dishes.

Roasted Chana vs Soaked Chana Nutritional Fact Per 100g

NutrientRoasted Chana (Per 100g)Soaked Chana (Per 100g)
Calories369 kcal164 kcal
Total Fat6.0g2.6g
Saturated Fat0.6g0.3g
Vitamin C1.3mg2.8mg

Culinary Uses

Roasted chana finds its place in snacks and trail mixes, contributing to a burst of flavors. Soaked chana, having a milder taste, is a versatile ingredient in salads, curries, and soups.

Fitness and Weight Loss

Roasted chana, with its high protein content, makes for an ideal snack for fitness enthusiasts. Soaked chana, being low in calories, supports weight loss goals.

Side Effects and Precautions

While both forms offer numerous health benefits, overconsumption can lead to digestive issues. Individuals with allergies should exercise caution and consult a healthcare professional if needed.

For Weight Gain

Both roasted and soaked chana can contribute to weight gain due to their calorie and protein content. However, soaked chana, being softer and easier to digest, might be a preferable choice for those aiming to gain weight without putting excessive strain on digestion.

Roasted Chana vs Soaked Chana Protein Content

Roasted chana has a higher protein content per 100g compared to soaked chana. If you’re looking to boost your protein intake, roasted chana might be a better choice.

Roasted Chana vs Soaked Chana Calories

Roasted chana has higher calorie content per 100g compared to soaked chana. If you’re mindful of calorie intake, choosing soaked chana may be a better option.

Is Roasted Chana Good for Weight Loss?

Yes, roasted chana can be a good addition to a weight loss diet. It is high in protein and fiber, promoting a feeling of fullness and aiding in weight management. However, moderation is key, as excessive consumption may contribute to increased calorie intake.

Is It Good to Eat Roasted Chana?

Yes, roasted chana is a nutritious and satisfying snack. It’s a good source of protein and fiber, making it an excellent choice for those looking for a healthy alternative to processed snacks.

Which Form of Chana is Best?

The choice between roasted and soaked chana depends on individual preferences and dietary goals. Roasted chana is ideal for snacking, providing a crunchy texture, while soaked chana is versatile in various dishes, offering a softer texture and enhanced nutrient absorption.

Is Roasted Chana Heavy to Digest?

Roasted chana, being dry and crunchy, may be heavier to digest for some individuals. It’s important to consume them in moderation, especially for those with digestive sensitivities. Soaked chana, with its softer texture, is generally gentler on the digestive system.

Also Read


In the roasted chana vs soaked chana battle, there is no clear winner. Both have their unique attributes, and incorporating a mix of both into your diet can offer a diverse range of nutrients and flavors.

Related FAQ

Are roasted chana and soaked chana equally nutritious?

Yes, both have their nutritional benefits, and incorporating both can provide a well-rounded diet.

Can I include both forms in my daily diet?

Absolutely! Balancing roasted and soaked chana intake is a great way to enjoy their diverse benefits.

How can I make roasted chana at home?

Roast chana in the oven or on the stovetop with your favorite spices for a homemade crunchy snack.

What are some creative recipes using soaked chana?

Try adding soaked chana to salads, curries, or soups for a nutritious and hearty touch.

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