Lijjat Papad Recipe | How To Make Lijjat Papad At Home

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Do you also enjoy the crispiness and flavors of papads? Then here is the Lizzat papad recipe especially for you. Lijjat papads are a popular Indian snack known for their irresistible crunch and versatility. In this article, we’ll take you through the process of making delicious Lijjat papads right in your own kitchen. Get ready to impress your family and friends and check out how to make Lizzat papad at home.

Origin of lizzat papat

Lijjat Papad is a popular Indian brand of papad (papadum) that was founded in 1959 by seven Gujarati women in Mumbai. The brand has gained recognition for its high-quality papads made from lentils and other ingredients. Lijjat Papad has not only become a household name in India but has also gained international prominence. The cooperative’s success has provided employment opportunities to women and continues to offer a range of delicious flavors and snack options.

Recipe for Lijjat Papad

lizzat papad

Ingredients for Lijjat Papad recipe

  • Urad dal (split black gram)
  • Salt
  • Asafoetida (hing)
  • Black pepper (optional)
  • Water
  • Oil (for greasing)


  1. Begin by soaking the urad dal in water for 4-5 hours or overnight. Soaking helps soften the lentils and make them easier to grind.
  2. After soaking, drain the water from the urad dal and transfer it to a blender or a food processor. Grind the dal to a smooth paste, adding a little water if needed. The consistency should be thick and creamy.
  3. In a large mixing bowl, combine the ground urad dal paste, salt, asafoetida, and black pepper (if desired). Mix well to ensure all the ingredients are evenly incorporated. The spices add a burst of flavor to the papads.
  4. Divide the dough into small portions and shape them into balls. Take one portion of the dough and flatten it using a rolling pin. Dust the rolling surface and the dough with some rice flour to prevent sticking. Roll the dough into thin, round papads, approximately 6-7 inches in diameter. Repeat this process for the remaining portions of dough.
  5. Once the papads are rolled, place them on a clean, dry cloth or a tray lined with parchment paper. Allow them to air dry for a few hours, preferably in a sunny spot. The drying process helps remove any moisture from the papads and makes them crispy.

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Important tips to keep in mind

  • Ensure the urad dal is soaked well to achieve a smooth paste.
  • While grinding, add water gradually to maintain the thick consistency.
  • Adjust the spices according to your taste preferences.
  • Roll the papads thinly for a crispy texture.
  • Proper drying is crucial for achieving the desired crunchiness.

Serving yield

The serving yield of the Lijjat papad recipe may vary depending on the size of the papads and the portion size. As a general estimate, the recipe should yield approximately 20-25 medium-sized papads.

Nutrition facts of given Lijjat papad recipe per 100g

NutrientAmount per 100g
Calories371 kcal
Total Fat2.6g
Saturated Fat0.6g
Trans Fat0g
Total Carbohydrate73.8g
Dietary Fiber3.4g

Preparation Time

ProcessApproximate Preparation Time
Soaking Urad Dal6 hours
Grinding Urad Dal10 minutes
Mixing the Ingredients5 minutes
Rolling the Papad Dough15 minutes per batch
Drying the Papads4 hours
Total6 hours 30 minutes

Which papad is healthy?

When it comes to determining the healthiness of papads, it is generally recommended to opt for papads made from whole grains or lentils rather than refined flours. Lentil-based papads, such as those made from urad dal or moong dal, tend to be healthier options as they are rich in protein, dietary fiber, and other essential nutrients. They also have a lower glycemic index compared to papads made from refined flor like maida.

How to make disco papad at home?

To make disco papad at home, you will need papad discs, oil for frying, and any desired toppings. Heat oil in a deep pan or fryer. Once the oil is hot, carefully drop the papad discs into the oil and fry them until they turn crispy and golden brown. Remove the fried papads from the oil and drain excess oil on a paper towel. Finally, sprinkle your favorite toppings such as chaat masala, chopped onions, tomatoes, and coriander leaves on top of the fried papads. Serve immediately and enjoy the crunchy and flavorful disco papads.

Is papad made from urad dal?

Yes, papads can be made from various ingredients, and one of the common types is made from urad dal (split black gram). Urad dal papads have a distinct flavor and are widely enjoyed in Indian cuisine. The urad dal is soaked, ground, mixed with spices and other ingredients, rolled into thin discs, and dried to create delicious and crispy papads.

What are the ingredients in Lijjat Papad?

The main ingredients in Lijjat papad include urad dal (split black gram), salt, asafoetida (hing), and optional spices like black pepper. These ingredients are mixed together to form a dough, which is then rolled into thin discs and dried to create crispy papads.

Is papad made of Maida?

While traditional papads are typically made from lentils like urad dal or chickpea flour, there are variations of papads available in the market that are made using maida, which is a refined wheat flour. These maida-based papads may have a different texture and flavor compared to lentil-based papads.

Is papad healthier than chips?

Papads and chips are both snack options that can vary in terms of their nutritional composition. While both can be enjoyed in moderation, the healthiness depends on the ingredients and preparation methods.

Related FAQ

How long does it take to make Lijjat Papad?

The process of making Lijjat papad can take approximately 5-6 hours, including soaking, grinding, mixing, rolling, and drying time.

Can I use a different type of lentil instead of urad dal?

While urad dal is the traditional choice for Lijjat papads, you can experiment with different lentils such as moong dal or a combination of lentils to create variations in flavor and texture. Keep in mind that the cooking times and proportions may vary with different lentils, so adjust accordingly.

Can I add spices to the papad dough?

Yes, you can add spices like cumin seeds, crushed black pepper, or even dried herbs like thyme or oregano to the papad dough for additional flavor. Experiment with different spice combinations to suit your taste preferences.

How can I make the papads crispy?

To achieve crispy papads, ensure that the dough is rolled thinly and evenly. Additionally, make sure to dry the rolled papads thoroughly before storing or frying them. Proper drying removes excess moisture and gives the papads their signature crunchiness.


Making homemade Lijjat papads is a rewarding culinary experience that allows you to savor the authentic flavors of this beloved Indian snack. With a few simple ingredients and a bit of patience, you can create a crispy Lijjat papads recipe that is perfect for snacking or accompanying your meals. Enjoy the process of rolling and drying the papads, and don’t forget to experiment with different flavors and variations to find your personal favorites.

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