Roti vs Rice Which Is Better | Difference Between Roti And Rice

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In this article, we will discuss Roti vs. Rice which is better . In the culinary world, the debate between roti and rice has been ongoing for centuries. Both these staple foods hold significant places in various cuisines worldwide, and each comes with its own set of nutritional benefits and considerations. Whether you’re a food enthusiast or someone looking to make healthier dietary choices, understanding the differences between roti and rice can be crucial. In this article, we’ll explore difference between Roti And Rice and help you decide which one might be the better choice for your dietary needs.

Roti vs Rice Which Is Better

What is Roti


Roti is a type of unleavened flatbread made from whole wheat flour and water. It is a staple food in South Asian and Middle Eastern cuisines, often served as a side dish or used to scoop up curries and other dishes.

What is Rice


Rice is a cereal grain that is a dietary staple in many cultures globally. It is typically prepared by boiling or steaming and serves as a versatile ingredient used in a wide variety of dishes, including main courses, side dishes, and desserts.

Taste and Texture


  • Taste: Roti has a mild, slightly nutty flavor with a hint of wheat. The taste of roti is influenced by the type of flour used and any added seasonings or herbs. Plain roti is relatively neutral in taste, making it an excellent accompaniment to a wide range of dishes, as it doesn’t overpower the flavors of the main course.
  • Texture: Roti has a soft and pliable texture. When freshly made, it is warm and often slightly chewy. It can be thin and delicate or slightly thicker, depending on how it’s prepared. The texture of roti complements various curries, stews, and grilled meats by providing a soft and enjoyable contrast.


  • Taste: The taste of rice can vary depending on the variety. White rice, for example, has a mild, slightly sweet flavor. Brown rice has a nuttier taste due to the bran layer. Jasmine rice has a delicate floral aroma and a subtly sweet flavor, while basmati rice is known for its aromatic and slightly nutty taste. The taste of rice can be enhanced by cooking it with various seasonings, herbs, and spices.
  • Texture: Cooked rice has a soft and slightly chewy texture. It consists of individual grains that are separate from each other, making it easy to scoop up with utensils or chopsticks. The texture of rice can range from fluffy to slightly sticky, depending on the cooking method and the rice variety. It serves as a versatile base for a wide variety of dishes, from sushi with sticky rice to pilaf with fluffy, separate grains.

Nutritonal Value

Nutritional fact of roti and white rice per 100 grams

NutrientRoti (Whole Wheat)White Rice (Cooked)
Calories297 kcal130 kcal
Carbohydrates60.2 grams28.7 grams
Dietary Fiber7.6 grams0.4 grams
Protein8.2 grams2.7 grams
Total Fat1.2 grams0.3 grams
Saturated Fat0.2 grams0.1 grams
Vitamin B60.3 mg0.1 mg
Folate (Vitamin B9)38 mcg2 mcg
Iron2.6 mg0.4 mg
Magnesium37 mg9 mg
Phosphorus125 mg68 mg
Potassium115 mg43 mg
Zinc0.9 mg0.2 mg

Glycemic Index

Next on Roti vs Rice is glycemic index. The glycemic index (GI) measures how quickly a food raises blood sugar levels. Roti has a lower GI compared to white rice, making it a preferable option for individuals concerned about blood sugar control.


While both roti and rice are easily digestible for most people, some individuals with gluten sensitivity may find roti more digestible as it is gluten-free.

Cultural Significance

Both roti and rice have deep cultural roots. Roti is a staple in many South Asian and Middle Eastern cuisines, while rice plays a central role in Asian and Latin American cultures. Your cultural background may influence your preference.

Versatility in Cooking

Roti can be enjoyed with a variety of dishes, from curries to kebabs. Rice is equally versatile and pairs well with different cuisines, from sushi to stir-fries.

Weight Management

If you are looking to manage your weight, roti might be a better choice due to its higher fiber and protein content, promoting satiety.

Blood Sugar Control

For individuals with diabetes or those concerned about blood sugar levels, roti’s lower glycemic index can be advantageous.

Gluten Sensitivity

If you have gluten sensitivity or celiac disease, rice is a safer option as it is naturally gluten-free.

Personal Preferences

Ultimately, the choice between roti and rice depends on personal preferences, dietary restrictions, and cultural background. Some individuals may prefer the taste and texture of one over the other.

1 roti is equal to how much rice?

It’s challenging to provide an exact equivalency as the size and thickness of roti can vary widely. However, roughly speaking, one standard-sized roti (around 6-7 inches in diameter) is roughly equivalent to about 1/3 to 1/2 cup of cooked rice in terms of carbohydrate content.

Rice or roti which is better at night

The choice between rice and roti at night depends on your dietary preferences and how well your body tolerates different foods in the evening. Some people find that a lighter meal like roti is easier to digest at night, while others may prefer rice. It’s essential to consider portion sizes, types of rice or roti, and your overall nutritional goals when making this choice.

Roti vs rice which has more protein?

In general, roti made from whole wheat flour tends to have slightly more protein per 100 grams compared to white rice. However, the protein content in both is relatively low compared to other protein-rich foods. If you’re looking to increase your protein intake, consider incorporating other protein sources into your diet, such as beans, lentils, meat, poultry, fish, or tofu.

Is roti better than rice for weight loss?

Roti is often considered a better choice for weight loss compared to white rice. It tends to be higher in fiber and protein, which can help you feel full for longer and support weight management. However, portion control and overall dietary choices are equally important for weight loss. Whole grain rice, like brown or wild rice, can also be a healthy option when consumed in moderation as part of a balanced diet. Ultimately, the key to weight loss is a well-rounded diet and regular physical activity.


In the battle of roti vs. rice, there is no clear winner. Both have their merits and can be part of a healthy diet when consumed in moderation. Consider your nutritional needs, cultural preferences, and health goals when making your choice. Remember, a diverse diet is often the healthiest choice.

Related FAQ

Is roti healthier than rice?

It depends on your dietary goals. Roti is higher in fiber and protein, making it a better choice for some. However, rice can be a healthy option when consumed in moderation, especially if you choose brown or whole grain rice, which is higher in fiber and nutrients.

Is rice bad for blood sugar control?

White rice has a higher glycemic index compared to roti, which means it can cause quicker spikes in blood sugar levels. If you have concerns about blood sugar control, you may want to opt for whole grain rice or consider alternatives like quinoa or cauliflower rice.

Can people with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease eat roti or rice?

People with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease should avoid roti made from wheat flour, as it contains gluten. However, rice is naturally gluten-free and is a safe option for those with gluten-related conditions.

Can I eat both roti and rice in the same meal?

Yes, you can certainly enjoy both roti and rice in the same meal if it complements the dish you are having. Many cuisines around the world incorporate both of these staples in various recipes.

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